Class Descriptions

26&2 Bikram Yoga

The classic 26-posture beginner series. Excellent as a strengthening, flexibility, and recovery tool. Bikram Hatha Yoga uses heat to warm up your muscles, make you more flexible, sweat out toxins, release tension and stress, also teaches you how to be still and breathe great for mental and physical problems. 

Room is heated to over 105°F and humidity with tons of fresh air. 

Drink lots of water before and after class, eat foods that contain water, do not eat anything 2 hours before your  first class. Bring a big towel, a yoga mat (we recommend and rent Manduka Pro and Prolite mats) they do not squish down on the hard floor. Bring an extra towel for shower if you sweat a lot, maybe want to bring a shower towel for after class; we have 7 showers. 

Pre sign up online or call for your first class today.

26&2-Bikram Yoga will make you look younger, feel younger, detox toxins, flush out your system, improve your concentration, elevate depression, and give you what you need to accomplish your goals. 

Restorative Heated Yin Yoga

Re-balance and restore with this gentle but steady practice to reset your mind & body, practiced in moderately heated room. Candlelight ambiance occasionally implemented.

Yin based class. Postures may be held for longer periods of time and will flow together to unite the body to the breath and mind. All levels welcome.

Classic Hot Pilates

Classic Hot Pilates is a train­ing sys­tem originated by Joseph Pilates exercise & movement prin­ci­ples, combined with the exercises per­formed in a heated room.

Classic Hot Pilates cre­ates long lean mus­cle mass, burns fat, and increases fit­ness lev­els. It cre­ates a strong core, improves cir­cu­la­tion, and increases flex­i­bil­ity. It is per­formed on a yoga mat mak­ing it zero impact, pro­tect­ing your joints and mus­cles from the pound­ing of other exer­cises like run­ning and jumping.

Inferno Hot Pilates

Inferno Hot Pilates is a train­ing sys­tem which com­bines Pilates prin­ci­ples with high inten­sity inter­val train­ing and is per­formed in a room heated to 95 degrees Fahren­heit and 40% humidity.
There is no impact, so it is safe prac­tice for all fit­ness lev­els of students.

Inferno Hot Pilates cre­ates long lean mus­cle mass, burns fat, and increases fit­ness lev­els. It cre­ates a stronger core, improves cir­cu­la­tion, and increases flex­i­bil­ity. It is per­formed on a yoga mat mak­ing it zero impact, pro­tect­ing your joints and mus­cles from the pound­ing of other exer­cises like run­ning and jumping.

How does it work? Inferno Hot Pilates com­bines car­dio and mus­cle ton­ing in a heated room. The high inten­sity inter­val train­ing keeps your heart rate up, help­ing you burn fat. The Pilates prin­ci­ples sculpt your body, cre­at­ing long lean mus­cle mass. The heat loosens up the mus­cles quickly, and the humid­ity makes you sweat — ele­vat­ing your heart rate, boost­ing metab­o­lism, and pro­mot­ing detoxification.

Mindfulness & Meditation

Meditation session is guided. Focus is on the practice of being still, and on going within oneself. Themes may include the chakras, the emotions, nature, family, friends, and the power of silence. Come discover more about your true self, find a sense of peace, and allow it to exponentially touch others.